Inclusive mathematics classrooms provide all students opportunities to meaningfully learn mathematics with research and evidence-based practices that are differentiated to build on student strengths and scaffolded to support areas of growth.
TTAC GMU website resources integrate foundational high-leverage practices (HLPs) that facilitate strategic instructional planning, instruction, intensive interventions, and assessment with research and evidence-based practices. Resources and materials shared support instruction in inclusive and self-contained learning environments.
Through the TTAC network, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) provides resources and professional learning on High Leverage and Evidence Based Practices for school divisions to enhance student outcomes in mathematics.
TTAC at GMU partners with school divisions in Region 4 to build capacity and implement high leverage and research-based practices throughout all tiers of instruction.
Whilst GMU TTAC strives to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability, it is not always possible to do so when linking to documents and sites outside of our site. We are continually seeking out solutions that will bring these other areas up to the same level of overall web accessibility. In the meantime, should you experience any difficulty in accessing the material, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Math Forward VA
Math Forward VA is a website created by mathematics educators throughout Virginia to develop and share instructional resources to support the 2023 Mathematics Standards.
Aligned with the 2023 Mathematics Standards of Learning, Math Forward VA website resources link the following information for every grade level and course through Algebra 2:
- Scope and sequence documents
- Standards progression documents
- Unit guides
- Teaching considerations for each unit
- Concept progressions for each unit
- Learning experiences for each unit
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI): Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD): An Inclusive Meta-Cognitive Strategy for Solving Equations (HLP 14)
General and special education teachers will learn a research based meta-cognitive strategy (HLP 14) for teaching students how to solve multi-step equations to include all materials, resources and videos modeling instruction necessary for implementation. HLPs 14, 1, 17 and 20 are discussed.
Self-Paced Professional Learning Sessions - SDI: Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) A Meta-Cognitive Strategy (HLP 14), IRIS Center & VDOE TTAC GMU
Self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) is a research-based six-step instructional framework that explicitly teaches meta-cognition while integrating strategy instruction (HLP 14) to improve students’ academic and self-regulation skills. Explicitly taught across multiple academic domains, SRSD improves students’ writing, mathematics, reading comprehension, and self- advocacy. The power of SRSD + cognitive strategy instruction occurs when instruction is vertically articulated, taught and reinforced across multiple grade levels, and generalized in other subject areas (HLP 21).
SDI Spotlights - Mathematics (VDOE TTAC at GMU)
SDI Spotlights in Mathematics focus on research- and evidence-based Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) method in mathematics practices in whole number operations, rational numbers, place value and decimals, algebraic concepts, and geometry. Brief videos demonstrating specific CRA method strategies and lesson plans are shared. Explicit Instruction Checklist, Progress monitoring forms, and other information about the strategy are shared. Information and resources from VDOE's Evidence Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics were used to showcase specific strategies.
High Leverage Practice Crosswalk for Math (VDOE TTAC at GMU)
Based on the work of the CEEDAR Center and Council for Exceptional Children, the GMU TTAC Team has created High Leverage Practice Crosswalks in the areas of Math, Literacy, and Transition to support stakeholders in developing personalized professional learning and targeted support, with the goal of bridging research into "practical" classroom practice to improve performance outcomes. The HLP Crosswalks are dynamic documents that will be periodically updated with the most current research and practical resources.
Check out the High Leverage Practice Crosswalk for Math on TTAC Online!
Students with Learning Disabilities in Mathematics
Evidence Based Practices
VDOE: Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics Resource Guide
This guide provides an overview of evidence-based instructional strategies that educators can utilize to support students with a mathematics disability or difficulty at any grade. Importantly, the strategies outlined in this document are targeted at improving learning outcomes for the following student populations:
- Students with a formal school identification of a specific learning disability in mathematics.
- Students with a non-mathematics related disability (e.g., speech language disorder, specific learning disability in reading) who experience mathematics difficulty.
- At-risk students without a formal disability diagnosis who experience mathematics difficulty.
Students with Disabilities in Mathematics: Frequently Asked Questions
This document is a companion to the Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics Resource Guide. This document provides an overview of the characteristics of mathematics disability, as well as information about accommodations, modifications, and assistive technology that can support a student with a disability in mathematics.
VDOE: Evidence Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics Webinar
Dr. Sarah Powell's Website with Evidence-Based Interventions in Mathematics
Project Stair's Explicit Instruction in Mathematics
This video explains the basics of explicit instruction.
Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA)
Learn about CRA and Manipulatives.
Project Stair's Visual Representation
This video introduces teachers to ways to teach mathematics with visual representations.
Making a Case For Manipulatives
Why Teach Mathematics with Manipulatives
Using Appropriate Tools by Grade Level
Implementing CRA with Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities in Mathematics
Project Stair: Solving Equations with Algeblocks Video
NCETM Introduction to Algebra Tiles Video
Schema Based Instruction
Learn how to implement Evidence Based Practices for word problems.
VDOE Schema Based Instruction for Problem Solving Webinar
VDOE Word Problem Types Graphic Organizer
Schema Based Instruction Tutorial
Project Stair Word Problem Instruction
Dr. Powell and University of Texas: Student Schema Based Instruction Cards
Dr. Powell and University of Texas: Word Problem Structures Teacher Reference Cards
Virtual Manipulatives
Didax Virtual Manipulatives
EquatIO Activities Database
This is free for teachers, and includes pre-created activities that use virtual manipulatives and technology to engage all students.
Kentucky Center for Mathematics
Math Playground
Math Learning Center
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Toy Theatre
Instructional Planning
Bridging for Math Strengths Formative Assessments and Activities - Grades K-8
GMU and VDOE collaborated to develop strength-based formative assessments that align with VDOE essential knowledge bridging standards (standards that vertically articulate across grade levels) to help teachers identify students' areas of strengths and growth related to each standard. Formative assessment data provides teachers with a greater understanding of student thinking to differentiate instruction. Included are pre-created activities that build on student strengths and accelerate areas of growth with engaging activities.
Bridging for Math Strengths Webinars: Grades K-2 and Grades 3-8
Dive deep into the Bridging for Math Strengths Formative Assessments and Activities with instructional webinars that showcase how to use the assessments and activities.
Mathematics Vertical Articulation Tool Grades K-Algebra 1
Mathematics Vertical Articulation tools identify bridging standards and content that integrates across grade levels. The dynamic mathematics vertical articulation tools can be used in combination with Mathematics Standards of Learning Student Detail by Question (SDBQ) reports, progress monitoring data, and other individualized student data to identify students' strengths and unfinished learning (areas of growth).
VDOE Just in Time Quick Checks
VDOE Just in Time Quick Checks are formative assessments that identify students' understanding of essential prerequisite knowledge related to a lesson's learning target and grade level standard. Just in Time Quick Checks can be used to accelerate learning "just in time", when teaching a new standard.
Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) and Instructional Resources
The VESOLs identify content area standards for eligible students in grades 3-8 and high school who participate in the VAAP. Instructional resources and assistive technology to support instruction are included as well as VAAP Test Plan Templates.
Lesson Plans
VDOE Mathematics Instructional Plans (MIPS)
VDOE created mathematics instructional plans aligned with the 2016 SOLs for grades K- Algebra, Functions, and Data Analysis (AFDA).
VDOE Co-Teaching Mathematics Instructional Plans (MIPS)
VDOE content and special education specialists integrated six co-teaching approaches (station teaching, parallel teaching, one teach/one assist, etc.) into mathematics lesson plans that align with 2016 SOLs.
VDOE's Algebra Readiness Remediation Plans
These plans include remediation plans across multiple mathematics SOL strands for grades 4-8.
#GoOpenVA Lesson Plan Templates
National Center on Intensive Intervention's Mathematics Sample Lessons to Support Intensifying Intervention
Planning Resources
Intervention Central's Guided-Notes Maker
Teachers create guided notes to enhance student engagement while helping students understand important concepts through active responses. Guided notes enhance the learning of all students, following the principles of Universal Design for Learning.
VDOE Instructional Videos for Teachers
Explore pre-created lesson plans and resources shared by Virginia teachers on VDOE's #GoOpenVirginia. VDOE also has some instructional videos for teachers to learn how to teach specific concepts and skills.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Illuminations: Resources for Teaching Math
Math Talks
Project Stair's Importance of Mathematical Language
This video shares strategies on ways to promote mathematical language, enhance understanding, and improve math talks.
VDOE Mathematics Vocabulary Word Walls Grade K-Algebra 2
VDOE's mathematics vocabulary word cards display content words with visuals to facilitate understanding. Word cards can be used during instruction and are especially helpful for English Language Learners and students with disabilities. This video from Anita Archer demonstrates how to introduce new vocabulary words.
University of Texas Number Talks
University of Texas Number Talks website houses pre-created plans, warm ups, and resources that bridge conceptual understanding in mathematics and mental math. Resources can be used during warm ups, or in flexible groups to promote problem solving.
Stanford University's
This resource has numerous ready to use growth mindset resources and pre-created rich mathematical tasks to inspire mathematical thinking, math talks, and engagement.
10 High Engagement Strategies for Every Math Class (AVID)
Accessible Technology in Mathematics Resources
The Assistive Technology Network
The Assistive Technology Network of the Virginia Department of Education has compiled tools for math that can support students with disabilities in a number of ways. These tools make abstract concepts more tangible with manipulatives, allow for the creation of graphs, expressions, and calculations, and provide auditory feedback.
Understood AT for Math
WATI Mathematics Resources
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials - Teaching with Accessible Math
Desmos & Math Technologies:
Desmos Online Calculator
VDOE's website has information and webinars on how to use Desmos, and a helpful VDOE Desmos activities log, which includes pre-created activities aligned with SOLs. These activities can reinforce concepts and can be used during station teaching.
EquatIO: Make Math Digital
Graspable Math
Graph paper to assist with number alignment.
GeoGebra Geometry
Self-Paced Professional Learning
IRIS Center Module - High Quality Mathematics Instruction: What Teachers Should Know
The National Center for Intensive Intervention - Explicit Instruction
The National Center for Intensive Intervention has 4 self-paced learning modules with videos and activities that guide teachers through essential components of explicit instruction.
The National Center for Intensive Intervention in Mathematics
The National Center for Intensive Intervention has 8 self-paced learning modules with videos and activities that guide teachers through essential components of intensive interventions in mathematics.
Concrete Representational Abstract Self-Paced Professional Learning from Ontario, Canada
TTAC Maximizing Student Engagement in Math: Planning and Assessment Using Just in Time Quick Checks and High Leverage Practices Webinar
TTAC Maximizing Student Engagement in Math: Applying Just in Time Quick Checks and High Leverage Practices to Scaffold and Differentiate Instruction Webinar
TTAC Maximizing Student Engagement in Math: Applying Just in Time Quick Checks and High Leverage Practices to Create Flexible Grouping and Provide Meaningful Feedback Webinar
Focus Area Coordinator
Melissa Gunter Coordinator, Inclusion/High-Leverage Practices; Math
MS, Longwood University