Assistive Technology
GMU TTAC is supporting Region 4 by integrating Assistive Technology (AT) into all VDOE/TTAC initiatives (VTSS, Specially Designed Instruction: Literacy/Math, Inclusion/High Leverage Practices, Early Childhood, etc).
Assistive technology (AT) makes it possible for individuals with disabilities to read, write, calculate, speak, see, hear, move, and/or play. AT can provide access to play, school, community and work activities, and can support communication with others. Students with disabilities are capable of participating in the general education curriculum with the help of AT supports.
AT ranges from low-tech tools (pencils, highlighters, and graphic organizers) to high-tech tools (computers, apps, AAC systems). A student’s AT needs and the technology available can change over the years.
AT Network
The Assistive Technology Network of Virginia addresses AT related priorities of VDOE by developing resources and documents for AT Considerations and Assessment. Supporting local and regional AT teams with information, resources, and training, including the annual TechKnowledgy Conference, and Integrating AT solutions across the curriculum.
AT Consideration and Assessment
TTAC is providing training and technical assistance in the use of the VATTS (Virginia Assistive Technology Tools and Strategies) document and supporting resources, designed to guide an IEP team through the consideration and documentation process.
To help school divisions who are getting started with their AT Assessment processes and expanding their AT equipment collection, TTAC has put together AT kits and accompanying professional development trainings that covers the AT consideration framework, and specific considerations for the various categories of AT.
The AT Assessment Kit is a collection of assistive technology materials for VDOE Region 4 educators to learn about assistive technology (AT) considerations and assessment for special education students in K-12 classrooms. School division personnel can explore and learn about the devices included in each kit to enhance their own knowledge base, inform decisions on developing their division's AT equipment library, and conduct AT trials in conjunction with GMU TTAC AT training and follow-up coaching. Each Kit includes AT devices such as: Go Talk, iPad with AAC apps, Talkable 4, Big Mack Communicator, Talking Brix Communicator, Reading Pen, switches, low tech tools such as heavy duty VELCRO®, EazyHold grip assist, and many other items.
GMU TTAC AT Lending Library
The GMU TTAC Assistive Technology (AT) Lending Library is now located in the TTAC offices within the Katherine G. Johnson Hall at the SciTech campus in Manassas. Materials, including assistive technology for AAC, literacy, math, device access, organization & executive function, play & leisure, and personal care & physical access are available for checkout to Pre-K to Grade 12 school personnel in VDOE Region 4.
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