Early Childhood
To support Early Childhood Special Education leaders, providing services to children ages two to five, within the unified Early Childhood system.
ECSE TTAC coordinators are part of a statewide network that utilizes evidence-based practices to support special education leaders in building the capacity of early childhood programs, with a primary focus on the inclusion of young children with disabilities in educational environments with their non-disabled peers. Coordinators guide divisions to utilize data-driven decision making in a tiered support framework to improve outcomes for young children and their families.
In the Unified Virginia Quality Birth to Five System (VQB5), TTAC is recognized as an improvement partner. ECSE TTAC coordinators provide coaching in Early Childhood Special Education classrooms and inclusive classrooms to strengthen the quality of interactions between teachers and children with IEPs.
Inclusive Practices Technical Assistance
GMU TTAC coordinators support all Region 4 school divisions with data collection & analysis to make programmatic decisions around inclusive practices. The DEC recommended practices are integrated into the regional inclusion work. Coordinators also support divisions participating in the itinerant Community of Learning.
TTAC coordinators provide more intensive technical assistance through the Improving Inclusive Practices & Outcomes for Preschoolers (IPOP) grant. IPOP is a systems change approach to support school divisions in the development, expansion, and/or improvement of inclusive placement opportunities for preschoolers with Individual Education Programs (IEPs).
GMU TTAC maintains the Leadership in Effective and Developmentally-appropriate Services in Virginia ECSE (LEADS) initiative to support partnerships with early childhood special education to build and sustain capacity within a unified early childhood system. The goals are to connect, support, and empower local leaders to provide high-quality programs and services for children aged two through five with an IEP.
TTAC works with VTSS systems coaches and partner school divisions to provide consultative early childhood support in implementing a multi-tiered system of support in preschool and elementary classrooms.
In partnership with Ready Regions 7,8, & 9, GMU TTAC promotes the development of knowledge, skills, and practices to support the use of evidence-based practices to guide children’s learning. TTAC provides coaching in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classrooms where the majority of children have an IEP. TTAC also provides coaching in inclusive classrooms that serve at least one child with an IEP, and there is a specific need identified with providing high-quality teacher-child interactions with the child/children with IEPs.
VDOE Inclusive Practices – Early Childhood
Virginia Department of Education’s stance on inclusive practices in early childhood, as well as recommended resources.
Leadership in Effective and Developmentally-appropriate Services in Virginia ECSE (LEADS)
The primary purpose of the LEADS website is to provide resources and tools to Early Childhood Special Education leaders.
The Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children houses resources that support practitioners who work with young children with disabilities.
Early Childhood Education - Virginia
Virginia’s Early Childhood Education website houses the ECE Resource Hub and information about the Early Childhood initiatives & projects (VKRP, STREAMin3, AEII).
Virginia Early Childhood Inclusion Guidance Document
This guidance document, updated in August 2023, is designed to assist Virginia's school divisions and early childhood communities in identifying, developing and sustaining inclusive opportunities within high-quality early childhood programs for children with disabilities.
Inclusion Infographic
This infographic from PD Essentials helps families to understand the importance and value of inclusion in Early Childhood.
Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children – Angela J. Hanscom
Pediatric Occupational Therapist Angela J. Hanscom explains why unrestrained movement and outdoor play are vital for children’s cognitive and physical development and offers strategies for caregivers.
Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings – Jennifer Grisham-Brown and Mary Louise Hemmeter
This comprehensive guide is intended for early childhood educators working with children ages 2 to 5 in inclusive settings.
The Preschool Inclusion Toolbox: How to Build and Lead a High-Quality Program – Erin E. Barton and Barbara J. Smith
Filled with tips, tools, and strategies, this book is the comprehensive, practical toolbox preschool administrators need to implement early childhood inclusion through systems-level change.
Applying Implementation Science in Early Childhood Programs and Systems – Tamara Halle, Allison Metz, and Ivelisse Martinez-Beck
With this important volume, early childhood programs will use the fundamental principles of implementation science to apply, sustain, and scale up effective practices in early care and education.
Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs – Susan R. Sandall, Ilene S. Schwartz, Gail E. Joseph, and Ariane N. Gauvreau
Expanded with timely new content and consistent with DEC Recommended Practices, the third edition of this bestselling book will fully prepare a new generation of early childhood educators to teach and include every child.
Indicator 6 Webinars
This 3-part webinar series on Indicator 6 (Least Restrictive Environment) provides information on reporting requirements for Early Childhood Special Education leaders.
Indicator 7 Webinar
This webinar on Indicator 7 (Preschool Outcomes) provides information on reporting requirements for Early Childhood Special Education leaders.
Indicator 12 Webinar
This webinar on Indicator 12 (Transition Part C to Part B) provides information on reporting requirements for Early Special Education leaders.