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Fingerspelling Our Way to Reading added to the GMU TTAC Lending Library
GMU TTAC is excited to announce we have added Fingerspelling Our Way to Reading to our Lending Library and it is available for checkout.
GMU TTAC Assistive Technology (AT) Lending Library
The GMU TTAC Assistive Technology (AT) Lending Library is now located in the TTAC offices within the Katherine G. Johnson Hall at the SciTech campus in Manassas. Materials, including assistive technology for AAC, literacy, math, device access, organization & executive function, play & leisure, and personal care & physical access are available for checkout to Pre-K to Grade 12 school personnel in VDOE Region 4.
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI): Assessment and Implementation Self-Paced PL Sessions on Virtual Virginia
This professional learning series is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to plan for and teach specially designed instruction (SDI) in inclusive classrooms throughout all tiers of MTSS, using the five-step data-based individualization process for SDI. (HLPs: 12, 20, 6)
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI): Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD): An Inclusive Meta-Cognitive Strategy for Solving Equations (HLP 14) Self-Paced PL Session on Virtual Virginia
General and special education mathematics teachers will learn an inclusive, research based meta-cognitive strategy (HLP 14) for teaching students how to solve multi-step equations to include all materials, resources and videos modeling instruction necessary for implementation. (HLPs: 14, 20)
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Spotlights - Mathematics
SDI Spotlights in Mathematics focus on research- and evidence-based approaches in whole number operations, rational numbers, place value and decimals, algebraic concepts, and geometry.
HLP Crosswalks Literacy-Math-Transition
High Leverage Practice (HLP) Crosswalks for Math, Literacy, and Transition are designed to support professional learning, targeted support, and improved performance outcomes.