A news brief linking people and resources to support quality practices in the education of all students
For the 2013-14 school year, we have updated the format of our TTAC newsletter. All subscribers will now receive a news brief of information and resources via email once a month from September through May, excluding December. Each news brief will highlight a key topic in education related to supporting the learning needs of all students.
Transition: Movement, passage, or change from one stage to another. As we think about our journey through life, we realize that we often face transitions. Changes in family, home, friends, school, jobs, etc. are all transitions in life that we must start learning to deal with very early. Believe it or not, our training in the area of transition needs to begin as an infant. When we are very young, we transition from family to community, infant to toddler to Pre-K to kindergarten and, before your know it, from high school to work and college. Transitions occur constantly throughout our lives.
Be ready to support individual student’s transition needs and prepare them for this journey to employment and independent living by understanding the coordinated set of activities needed through:
Assessments - which identify students’ needs, preferences, and interests
Planning - which brings together the student and those involved with the transition skills and services necessary
Services/Organizations - that assist in providing transition services
The Virginia Department of Education’s Transition Services web site provides support, information, and resources designed to improve the outcomes of students with disabilities in transition from middle/secondary education to postsecondary education and employment. Topics include: What is Transition? Why is Transition Important? How Do We Transition? and How Do We Know We are Doing it Right?
Transition Coalition provides online information, support, and professional development on topics related to the transition from school to adult life for youth with disabilities.
Interested in learning more? These two centers are great place to get set! Each one contains information, links, and resources that will allow you to learn more about transition.
The Center on Transition Innovations (CTI) is a centralized statewide resource center for educators and other stakeholders in the transition of youth with disabilities that provides evidence-based resources and information along with emerging practices in the field. Check out: Assessments Practical Tips
An online community linking people and resources to help children and youth with disabilities. To access transition resources, which includes site links, attachments, and training, follow these easy steps:
Click on your region on the state map.
Click on “Resources” purple tab on top margin.
Click on “View by: Category” within purple border left of the tabs.
Click on “Transition” under “Choose a Category” on left margin.
Virginia Career VIEW (Vital Information for Education and Work) This site is recognized as the Commonwealth's career information delivery system for all students in grades K-8 in Virginia. It combines independent research and engaging activities, in addition to hands-on statewide training, and presents the most current data using the latest technology. These resources are shared through the web site, toll-free career information line, workshops for professionals, information for parents, and statewide outreach events.
Virginia Education Wizard
A web tool providing information that assists students in choosing a career, getting the information they need to pursue their career, finding the college that is right for them, paying for college, transferring from a community college to a university, and getting answers to their questions about their future.
This news brief is a collaborative effort of the Virginia Department of Education Training and Technical Assistance Centers at George Mason University and James Madison University. This issue was prepared by the staff of the VDOE TTAC at James Madison University. For questions about the content, please contact Jacki Nickel, Gina Massengill, or Lisa Norris at 540.568.6746.